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Execute yarn. Do not go git checkout --theirs ... and git reset ... and whatever else people might suggest. Just type yarn and press enter. Yarn has an automatic conflict resolution built into it, it will detect that the yarn.lock file has conflicts, and use its internal algorithm to figure out what to do. This was a public service announcement.

Apparently, module loaders are a bad thing now, based on some obscure points, according to an article from @ironfroggy. None of the points mentioned in the article make sense, and here's why.

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This is part 2 of the How to develop browser extension article series. I'll give a few guidelines, examples, and show some gotchas on what to look out for, when you are developing an extension for Chrome.

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Ever wondered how you can develop a browser extension? It's not hard, you just have to read a bit of docs, and do a lot of trial and error. This will be a 3-5 posts long series, that talks about how to develop an extension for today's browsers in general, and the various traps one might fall into while developing one. I am covering Chrome, Safari, and Firefox in detail, unfortunately I have no experience with IE, and Opera. I will also talk about cross-browser extension frameworks at the end.

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I see these types of questions a lot on forums:

I have made an ajax based favorites system on my webshop. Users can click on the "add" button next to each product, and it will be added to their favorites list. Everything works fine, except that on freshly favorited elements, the "remove" button does not work, until I refresh the page. What could cause this? Here is the code. I'm using jQuery.

Without even taking a look at the code, I already know what the problem is. The problem usually has nothing to do with jQuery, but given the popularity of it, but it usually gets associated to it. The question can come in various flavors, but the pattern is always the same:

There is a container element, that has elements added to it via DOM manipulation, and the newly added elements behave in unexpected ways, usually some functionality is not working, until a page refresh is made.

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