Of course I have a backup!

Random blobs of wisdom about software engineering

Archive About Me Consulting My toolset

This is my presentation on Kubernetes, the container orchestration system. In this presentation I explain what kubernetes is, and look at how software deployment has evolved from ~2014, where we transferred zip files, to what we have today. I show some examples of the most often used entities: deployments, services, pods, and ingress definitions, and go over the helm templating engine.

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The first text editor I used outside school was Notepad++. It served me really well during my early years, but around 2008 I got my first job, and saw a coworker use vim. I was quite mesmerized to see how efficiently he moved across the files, so I obviously wanted to learn using it as well. I don't think I had any configuration at all initially, whatever the distro configured by default was what I used. I opened my own repository for my vim configs in 2012 September 19, at a quite late time, 3 AM. Apparently even 10 years ago, my most productive hours were after midnight.

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If you try to set up ArgoCD in KinD, you will encounter the following error message when you try to run argocd cluster add kind:

FATA[0001] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
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Before I started writing rust, I have never written any multithreaded programs. I did write some minimal C homework using multithreading, but even if that was still relevant, I have long forgotten everything, apart from that it's extremely hard to get right, opens an entirely new family of bugs like race conditions, that are really hard not just to anticiapate, but to reproduce and debug as well.

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I noticed that my XPS 15 laptop (from 2020) almost always wakes up immediately from suspend, or even worse, when I take it out of my backpack, that's when I find out that it woke up, and now all the fans are going crazy, because it almost melted in the backpack. Turns out Microsoft is to blame for this, together with all the laptop manufacturers who decided to follow along with this idiocy.

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This is my presentation on rust, the programming language, that I have done at the Norwegian Food and Safety Administration (Mattilsynet), while I worked there as a (devops) consultant. It goes over the very basics of rust, the major features, the type system, talks about some unique concepts not found elsewhere, and shows some examples on how you would model some very simple things.

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It has been a few months since I started heavily investing in learning to type on a 40% keyboard, in hopes of juicing out some extra productivity, and it has been an extremely bumpy ride so far.

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I built a new PC a few days ago which in itself was a challenge in these COVID times, since there are stock issues everywhere, but I managed to get lucky with a few purchases. After assembling everything, it was time to look into how to setup VFIO for a second time.

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I have been fascinated with keyboards for a long time now, I think I currently have 6 in my flat, and I usually bring one with me to my workplace. This week I finally managed to finish my Let's Split keyboard that I ordered 2 years ago.

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The ways you can cache assets with HTTP has been already beaten to death by many other blog posts, but I want to highlight a very big gotcha that still bites many people. This is when you deploy a new version of your application, but some browsers still show the old CSS and JS files, even though the contents of those files have changed.

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